Documenting the Landscape of Natural Burial through Time
“Without these regular visits and my familiarity with this landscape I might not have noticed the grave which each year, on the date of birth and death, is clothed in a carpet of rose petals”
Why Planting Plans Don’t Always Work
Much debate around sustainable planting focuses, across the world, on the issue of the native v the exotic, but in actual fact this is often a red herring. Far more fundamental is the question of ‘how do we design for the change that must occur in all planting?’
Change in vegetation is driven by two factors. Read more…

Why we need to change our perceptions of wildness
I believe that, at some level, we all need wildness. Of course the nature of this need varies according to who we are. Thrill seekers will want to abseil off cliffs deep in the mountains, the more contemplative Read more…