(video) Children’s Outdoor Play Opportunities in Chinese cities
Helen Woolley hosted an inspiring 15 minute talk in which she explored Children’s Outdoor Play Opportunities in Chinese cities during the “Young People and the ‘New Urban Agenda’: addressing key themes of Habitat lll” conference in Birmingham on 14-15 September 2016. Helen draws on her experiences in China and offers a window into the differences of play opportunities provided to children between China and other parts of the world.
(video) Facilitating Children’s Outdoor Play in Post-Disaster contexts
Helen Woolley hosted an inspiring 15 minute talk on Facilitating Children’s Outdoor Play in Post-disaster contexts during the “Young People and the ‘New Urban Agenda’: addressing key themes of Habitat lll” conference in Birmingham on 14-15 September 2016. Helen takes the audience through the effects of the triple disaster in Japan and illustrates the vital importance of play for children in these post-disaster situations.

Can ‘Friends’ save our parks?
“There are issues relating to responsibilities and insurances when community groups take over green space management (who is to blame if something goes wrong, who puts it right?).”
Reviving Green Spaces Between Houses
Helen Woolley
A high percentage of urban green spaces in our UK cities is that within which social housing is set. Although the original intention was that these green space should be everybody’s in reality many of them have become nobody’s. Read more…

Reflecting on the Urban River in India
In the fast-paced urbanization of India’s cities, it can be hard to find public open spaces to take refuge from the day-to-day hustle and bustle. Read more…

Designing for Diversity
From Brick Lane to Liverpool, we know that urban places have been shaped by migration for many decades. But with the EU membership referendum and increased resettlement of refugees across Europe, it seems timely to examine what this means for professional remits within the built environment. Read more…

Documenting the Landscape of Natural Burial through Time
“Without these regular visits and my familiarity with this landscape I might not have noticed the grave which each year, on the date of birth and death, is clothed in a carpet of rose petals”

Why UK Playgrounds Don’t Provide Enough Play Opportunities
Play provides many opportunities for children. It can contribute to the development of gross and fine motor skills, give opportunities for psychical activity contributing to a healthy life style and support the development Read more…

Why we need to change our perceptions of wildness
I believe that, at some level, we all need wildness. Of course the nature of this need varies according to who we are. Thrill seekers will want to abseil off cliffs deep in the mountains, the more contemplative Read more…

Benches for everyone: solitude in public, sociability for free.
“You can smoke out here, you can shout, and do what you like as no-one is telling you what to do… this is your own little bench… no-one should be able to tell you what to do if you’re sitting on a bench.” Read more…