Statement on Sheffield’s trees from staff at the Department of Landscape
In November of 2016, Sheffield City Council undertook a consultation process for its draft Trees and Woodlands Strategy 2016-2030. Staff in the Department of Landscape made responses to specific points within the strategy, and to the strategy overall. These were all collated into a single, collective Department of Landscape entry into the consultation. In this blog entry, which is submitted and endorsed by the signatories below (comprising all the academic and teaching staff in the Department of Landscape), we are publishing the accompanying statement to that submission. Read more…

Getting Creative when your PHD changes direction
Camilla Allen
How might you react to the news that the subject of your research, which in my case is Africa’s Great Green Wall, changes direction?
At the start of the second year of a Landscape History PhD - at this middle point – it seemed appropriate to reflect on my experiences so far: the hopes and realities of the remaining time I will be working on this project, and why being part of the Creative Spatial Practices cluster offers an important perspective on my work so far.